Wei-Cheng Lee selected for Michelson Postdoctoral Prize Lectureship


Dr. Wei-Cheng Lee has been selected for the prestigious Michelson Postdoctoral Prize Lectureship at Case Western Reserve University and has been invited to present three technical lectures and a colloquium at Case Western in Fall 2013.  Lee, who joined the Department of Physics in 2010, works in condensed matter theory alongside Professors Philip Phillips and Anthony Leggett. His research, which is supported by the Center for Emergent Superconductivity, is focused on unconventional superconductors and Mott systems. Most recently, he has studied the effects of orbital degrees of freedom on high-temperature iron-based superconductors, which were first discovered in 2008, using various theoretical techniques like generalized RPA and multidimensional bosonization.  Read more... http://physics.illinois.edu/news/story.asp?id=2681